Bloomfield Public Library will be closed on Monday, March 3rd for maintenance.

FAQ regarding library closure

Below is a list of the more frequently asked questions that have come up during this unprecedented situation.

How do I return the books I have out?

Please hold onto your library materials until the library has reopened, so as to not overload the book drop. Please note that returns will not be checked in immediately and may show on your account for a few days.

When are my items due?

Library materials are not due back at this time. You do not need to renew items. The Pioneer Library System has extended due dates to June 30, 2020.

Will I be charged late fees?

Fines will not accrue on any items that are already overdue, until the library reopens. Please note that the due dates for overdue items will not be adjusted, but fines for those overdue items will not accrue.

What about the books I have on hold?

All current Holds have been suspended until delivery between member libraries is reinstated. You will not lose your place in line. If a library is closed, all items currently on their Hold Shelf waiting for pick-up will be kept at that library ready for you to pick-up upon reopening.

I have never used ebooks, downloadable audiobooks, or digital magazines. Where do I start?

You will need the following:

  • a Wi-Fi/data capable device (computer, tablet, smart phone, ereader, etc.) connected to Wi-Fi or other internet connection
  • An OWWL library card
  • The four-digit pin for the OWWL library card, (if you do not know your pin, please contact the Bloomfield Public Library).

Go to Getting started with OverDrive ( in your web browser. Use the steps provided to get started with free ebooks, audiobooks, and more!

If you need assistance, please call the Bloomfield Public Library at 585-657-6264 Monday – Friday 10am – 4pm, and we will help walk you through the set up.

What if I don’t remember my pin to access online library resouces?

You can request a a password reset by clicking here.

How can I get a library card now?

There is now an option available to sign up for a digital library card using a mobile phone number. The option is now available to sign up for a digital library card. These cards can only be used for Overdrive or Libby app content.

I have other Owwl2go questions. Where can I find answers?

Check out the Owwl2go FAQS page for information on e-book and audiobook borrowing during Pioneer Library System libraries’ closures.

What about people that need the internet, like students now learning from home?

Specturm announced that it will provide free Specturm broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K-12 students and/or college students who do not already have a Specturm broadband subscription at any service level up to 100 Mbps. Installation fees will be waived for new student households. Call 1-84-488-8395 for more information.

But I’m not a student! How can I access Wi-Fi?

The Wi-Fi at the Bloomfield Public Library is accessible if you are in close proximity to the building. It is likely that you can safely practice Social Distancing and access our Wi-Fi from the parking lot!

When will the library reopen?

The recommendations from local and state government agencies have been changing rapidly, and it is difficult to pinpoint an exact date for reinstatement of library operations. We will continuously evaluate the status, and the decision to reopen will be made individually by libraries. Check for the most up-to-date information.

How do I contact you, if I have more questions?

Questions can be emailed to the library through the CONTACT link on our homepage. If you prefer to call the Bloomfield Public Library at 585-657-6264, staff will be available to assist you between 10am and 4pm Monday – Friday. Outside of these hours, please leave a voice message, and we will get back to you as soon as staffing permits.